
Outsourced Help Desk Support in Singapore

Reliable Help Desk Services in Singapore-based companies.

Providing exemplar after-sales support to your customers is the proven way in keeping your customers and making them loyal to your brand which therefore increases their lifetime value since they will keep patronizing your product and brand. Your satisfied customers will even promote your brand to their friends and family.

But how can you ensure that you are providing satisfying after-sales support to your customers?

Your business needs to have a team of highly skilled help desk professionals that knows and understands how your products work to provide the fastest and efficient resolution to your customer’s issue.

It is also important to provide 24/7 help desk support so your customers can call and ask for assistance anytime they need it. You do not want your customers to wait for your office hours as they are most likely working during this period as well.

Just like most businesses, the cost involved in hiring 24/7 help desk professionals and setting up the help desk infrastructures is extremely high.

What if you can use existing help desk infrastructures and manpower at a fraction of a cost with setting up an in-house help desk?

The great news is you can partner with Antasis to manage your company’s help desk needs.

Antasis has been managing the help desk of Singapore-based companies for more than 17 years.

Help Desk and Technical Support Case Studies

Here are some of the industries that Antasis provides help desk support:

  1. Antasis provides Level 1 Technical Support to a Security Systems company based in Singapore. Antasis uses its in-house fully integrated CRM with a digital electronics service report for the end-user. This system is also integrated with the Client’s GPS and inventory system.
  2. Antasis also provides Level 1 ticket and email alert monitoring support to an IT System Technology company in Singapore. Antasis role is to monitor the alert notification from the server for any hardware issues.
  3. Antasis is the Technical Support provider for a Singapore-based Merchants Net Terminal company. It provides Level 1 escalation support from Merchants as well as Level 2 and 3 engineers depending on agreed response time. Antasis’s responsibility also includes troubleshooting Level 1 Nets and Castle Terminal issues.

Each company has a different requirement for Help Desk services.

Antasis offers tailored-fit Help Desk services that first your company’s need.

Contact us now to Discuss your requirement!
Contact Number: +65.6319.2620 / +65.6226.0050
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